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Jalon Valley Help

Beautiful Day for Casual Browsing at the May Fayre

Sunday 14th May was a beautiful morning for casual browsing at the Jalon Valley Help’s May Fayre, on the Rastro site in Jalon. The rains the days before had washed away weeks of dust from the trees and the site looked crisp and sharp in the morning sunlight and not as hot as recently, so ideal for browsing with occasional shopping.

As usual JVH had arranged a good mix of stalls including fashionable clothes, bric-a-brac, kitchenware, cakes and games, with a quiet area where children could have fun and time to themselves. There were the ever-popular bottle stall, tombola and raffle and stalls selling books and nick-nacks for the home, all laid out so that you could have a break for coffee before more extended browsing.

Paul J was the compere, providing musical entertaining and introducing “The Good Friends”, who found a nicely shaded area beneath the trees from which to serenade us with their songs.

There are always stalls with added interest and the one which caught my eye this year was that of a lady, whose daughter is affected by the disorder, raising money to find a cure for ‘rett syndrome’, a neurodevelopmental disorder that develops in young girls, leading to a slowing of development, loss of mobility and function of the hands such that they are often unable to talk and to wash or feed themselves. Apparently treatments are being tested successfully on animals and clinical trials are underway in the US and Canada. Funds are urgently needed to accelerate this testing and to allow wider access to the treatment, so please consider this option when selecting which international charity effort to support.

Although attendance was down this year funds of circa €2,400 were raised.

Other JVH events to look out for are:
JVH Photographic Competition on the subject "Scenes from the Marina Alta". Closing date 16 June .
OK Band at Los Arcos on Thursday 6 July on behalf of JVH.

For further information about future events please see our calendar.

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