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Jalon Valley Help


Ánimo Drop-In Centre

Ánimo, located within the Centro Cívico in Alcalalí, serves as both a Drop-In centre and the administrative offices of Jalon Valley Help.

Ánimo is a very powerful word with many meanings, including strength, service, spirit, and encouragement, all of which define the ethos of Jalon Valley Help.

Originally opening its doors in 2012 Ánimo offers a warm and friendly place where it is possible to make friends, socialise and to obtain advice and support when needed. It is a popular place where people of all ages, abilities and nationalities feel comfortable to simply pop in for a cup of coffee and a chat and to enjoy company for a couple of hours. Equally it is a place where it is possible to obtain respite from caring responsibilities or advice and support in the most difficult and upsetting circumstances.

The Drop-In is open every Tuesday 10.00 – 13.00 hrs and for those needing support it is possible for discussions to be held privately in the office and therefore in confidence. As the office is often busy it is preferable, although not essential, for these discussions to be by prior appointment.

For more information contact us on 711 032 909 (mobile or whatsapp)

There are a variety of other activities that are available within the centre. Most of these activities, as well as the Drop-In sessions, are free of charge, although donations in respect of refreshments are appreciated.

30 Jul
10:00 - 12:00
Drop-in Centre
Every Tuesday

Contact -

01 Aug
11:30 - 13:30
Cancer Care Advice
Every Thursday

Contact - Jayne - 722 684 093 or drop in

06 Aug
10:00 - 12:00
Drop-in Centre
Every Tuesday

Contact -

08 Aug
11:30 - 13:30
Cancer Care Advice
Every Thursday

Contact - Jayne - 722 684 093 or drop in

13 Aug
10:00 - 12:00
Drop-in Centre
Every Tuesday

Contact -

15 Aug
11:30 - 13:30
Cancer Care Advice
Every Thursday

Contact - Jayne - 722 684 093 or drop in

20 Aug
10:00 - 12:00
Drop-in Centre
Every Tuesday

Contact -